
Differences between Reference 113 || Review 114 || Revision 115 || under the CPC


          Differences between Reference || Review || Revision                                                     under the CPC  

   In this article, we will discuss the main differences or distinction between the Reference, Review, Revision provided under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Here we will discuss it in an easy way and in the form the table that can help you to remember easily. 

Section 113 and Order 46 of the CPC provides the provisions relating the Reference.
Section 114 and Order 47 of the CPC provides the provisions relating the Review.
Section 115 of the CPC provides the provisions relating the Revision.
In the reference, the subordinate court refers the case to the High Court.
In the Review, the application made by the aggrieved party
In case of Revision, it can be exercised either on the application by the aggrieved party by the High Court even A review motu
The High Court alone can decide matters on the reference.
Review, on the other hand, is by the court which passed the decree or made the order.
Revision can only be entertained by the High Court.
It is made in the pending suit, appeal or execution proceedings
An application for review can be made for only after the decree is passed or order is made.
Revisional jurisdiction can be exercised when the case has been decided.
The grounds of reference relate to a reasonable doubt on a question of law.
The grounds for the review are as follows:- (i) discovery of new and important matter or evidence; (ii) mistake or error apparent on the face of the record; (iii) any other sufficient reason.
The grounds for the revision relate to jurisdictional errors of the subordinates court.
The order granting the review is appealable.
The order passed in the exercise of revisional jurisdiction is not appealable.
Review can be made even when an appeal lies to the High Court.
Revision can be exercised by the High Court where no appeal lies to the High Court.

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Related Articles:-

                           1.    What is Reference under Section 113 and Order 46 of the CPC; 
                           2.   What is Review under Section 114 and Order 47 of the CPC;
                           3.   What is Revision under Section 115 of the CPC; 

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